Thursday 11 July 2013

From New Mexico to Colorado

We have Wi-Fi! Hurray for blog posting. Last night we also had Wi-Fi, but it was so slow that this was not possible. So here is a re-cap of the past few days.

Where did we leave you? Right. Waiting for the information on the 160km ride :) Well, it was a long day. We had all anticipated that it would be very simple and fun because the elevation profile showed it all being downhill, but it was a lie. It felt more uphill than anything. Mostly because the descent was so gradual that it was essentially a flat ride, but also because of the large headwinds which made it feel like an uphill climb. However, it was a beautiful ride and it felt amazing to complete. My longest ride ever! We almost weren't able to ride due to a huge storm that hit the night before, which washed out the road. however, it was negotiated that we could walk our bikes across the road.

On Sunday we went to 4 Corners just to say that we stood in 4 states at once.

We spent the weekend at Shiprock and set out Monday for the Wines of San Juan, a winery where we stayed for the evening. It was beautiful and the wine tasted great :)

The hardest ride of the tour came on Tuesday when we rode 123km through the never-ending rolling hills. We climbed almost 6000ft that day, and felt every bit of it. The day took 6.5 hours and was painful for most of the way. We were all EXTREMELY glad it was over, but like each day it had it's good points, such as going over the continental divide :)

That day was very tough, and we relaxed with a trip to Walmart, courtesy of Mama Kooy. We came back armed with chocolate, lotion, deodorant, and Skittles. But despite the candy consumed, I found out just how tired I was after dinner, when I fell asleep for an hour and a half, missing my sweep duties, as well as Peloton, and my small group meeting. I woke up just in time to go back to sleep :)

The following day, Wednesday, was our Mountain pass. We were all feeling that this day would be extremely tough, but were pleasantly surprised to find that the climb was beautiful and anything but agonizing. I found out this day that I love climbing! Especially when the view is this great....

The photos don't do it justice. It's really something you have to see for yourself. However, the day also was amazing because we got to cross from New Mexico into Colorado!

We hit our highest elevation that day!

That's all for now folks. I know it was mostly pictures, but they were the best I could do at the moment. I'm feeling pretty tired, but I'll try to catch some Wi-Fi tomorrow so I can fill you in on Today (Thursday) and tomorrow!



  1. Keep up the blog Karyn! We are reading and praying, and thankful that you are doing well! I love reading even a little bit, so if you have wifi that is slow, even a little note to state where you are, and a few small stats would be great (how far today, what time you started/stopped, some memorable item from the day...) Keep it up!

    Gregg Hielema

  2. I too am enjoying reading your blog, Karyn. Both the text and the pictures. It helps keep your name before me so that I can pray for you as you cycle on across the U.S. Keep it up!
